PET Radiochemistry

PET Radiochemistry is responsible for the production and development of the radionuclides and radiotracers for clinical and preclinical use at Turku PET Centre.

Our major goals in radiochemistry research are to develop radionuclide production with the aim of producing large quantities of 11C-, 15O-, 68Ga-, 64Cu- and 18F-labelled precursors with high quality, quantity, and specific radioactivity to be used with PET in preclinical and clinical studies according to GMP. We are also continuously developing automated radiosynthetic procedures as well as quality control and radiometabolite analysis for clinical translation of the new methods and tracers.

Meet our experts

Anu Airaksinen
Anu Airaksinen, PhD
Emaillab web page
Anna Kirjavainen
Anna Kirjavainen, PhD
Radiochemistry Production Manager
Emaillab web page
Xiang Guo-Li
Xiang-Guo Li, PhD
Assistant Professor
Emaillab web page
Olof Solin
Olof Solin, PhD
Emeritus Professor
Emaillab web page