PET Basics – Basics of positron emission tomography

About the course

Positron emission tomography (PET) is non-invasive and quantitative imaging modality using molecules labelled with positron-emitting radioisotopes in tracer quantities (i.e. without pharmacological effect) to visualize and measure rates of biochemical processes (e.g. enzyme reactions, ligand-receptor interactions, cellular metabolism, cell proliferation, gene expression) in tissues of living subjects. Therefore, PET is an important tool to elucidate mechanisms associated with diseases and drug actions. The course aims to provide students with a broad and general introduction to the PET imaging.

The main purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the interdisciplinary nature of PET imaging. After the course one should have basic knowledge of the PET imaging field of its physics, radiochemistry, and data analysis, research and clinical applications.

PET BASICS – Next course

Next PET basics course will be organized 8.-10.4.2024. See here for more information and registration for the University of Turku students in Finnish.

The program for this year can be found from here

Target attendees: Physicians, scientists, PhD students, all interested in PET

Course is free of charge and worth of 2.0 credits for MSc and PhD degree and 15 h for specialist physician degree


You can also buy the course recording from previous year from UTUshop with the links below:


Principles And Applications of Neuroimaging Data Analysis

The main purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the interdisciplinary nature of PET imaging. After the course one should have basic knowledge of the PET imaging field of its physics, radiochemistry, and data analysis, research and clinical applications.

By purchasing this course, you will gain access to 29 recorded video lectures, each around 30 minutes of length. The access right is valid for 90 days from the creation of your user account to the lecture video service Echo360. University of Turku Helpdesk will send you your user account details and an information package regarding the use of the service.


Neuroimaging course is organized annually and often in September. The dates for 2024 will be announced later.

The course is arranged as a part of the curriculum for master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Turku with course code PSYK8965 and University of Turku students should register through the Peppi system. External students should register through the link below.

Completing the lectures + demonstrations + examination totals 5 ECTS for our own MA / PhD students. If you are not studying at University of Turku, we can however give (on request) a certificate of participation stating that attending the lectures and the remote computer lab sessions for the course cover approximately 3 ECTS credits. Unfortunately examination cannot be arranged online for external students. Please contact Lauri Nummenmaa or Minna Kangasperko for more information.